
December 2023, military decoration following a mission Ukraine.
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February 2024, Interview Dutch newspaper regarding death Aleksej Navalny

February 2024, interview CNN following incidents in GAZA.

Professor Dr. Bela Kubat, the agenda for 2024

January 26 – 28                       Board member meeting Association of European Cardiovascular Pathology (AECVP) in Rome, Italy

April 20 – 24                            President of the yearly congress of the Dutch Pathology Society (NVVP) in Veenendaal, The Netherlands

May 20-24                               Session chair of the AECVP session at the (IALM) International Academy of Legal Medicine, in Athens, Greece

September 6-13                      Invited speaker at the congress of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) in Florence, Italy

September 25-27                    Organizer and lecturer of the Intensive Forensic Neuropathology Training (IFNPT) in Maastricht University Medical Centre, The netherlands

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